Hey friends and family,
If you're reading this then you probably know that in August I'm leaving for Zambia for the fall semester. In case you dont know, I'm studying abroad with Harding, with a program called HIZ. We'll be taking classes but we also live on the Namwianga Mission site so we'll be working in the Havens, medical clinic, and schools. We'll also do a lot of traveling and learning. I leave August 23 and return around Thanksgiving.
This is where I'm going to try my best to keep yall updated on my life. I'm expecting this to be a time of my life that is full of so many experiences beyond anything I can put into words or capture in a picture. But I pray that God will help me find the words to somehow share what I am experiencing. I also pray that He'll use my experiences to touch the lives of so many people, maybe even the people that are reading this. I'm about to start a very exciting, unknown, nerve-wracking, and blessed chapter in my life. I ask that you pray for me along with the other students going on this trip. Pray for our safety and health, pray that we bless the people we are going to serve, and pray that we are blessed just as much in return. God has given us such a great opportunity, and we want to make the most of it!